The basis of the book, Lord of the Flies by William Goldberg, finds all of the horrible aspects of society and links it back to original human nature. We follow the group of English school boys as they lose their humanity and minds and we are constantly reminded of our capacity for violence. A prominent example of this in the text is the part where Simon has a fit and believes that the pig head on the stick, recently killed by Jack and his gang of hunters, spoke to him and referred to itself as the Lord of the Flies. “Fancy thinking the beast was something you could hunt and kill (….) you knew didn’t you, I’m part of you, close close close! I’m the reason why it’s no go, why things are what they are.” Lord of the flies, also known as Beelzebub, meaning the devil. It is highly likely that Goldberg is conveying that the speaking pig head of Simon’s imagination is representing the moral decay and waking hunger for violence and death of the boys on the island. William is linking the small society of the island back to human society in the world and using small scale events and characters to represent larger constitutions in the outside world. The demoralization of the boys because of loss of law and order only barely measure the effects of the same conditions would have on the world.


The text is missing an EXAMPLE, although there is an example, a quote is needed to show further depth. Eg…

Quote -“Fancy thinking the beast was something you could hunt and kill (….) you knew didn’t you, I’m part of you, close close close! I’m the reason why it’s no go, why things are what they are. (inserted into text )

The text also does not relate back to his ideas or the world. (inserted text)


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About Fiona

Born in Christchurch, One of New Zealand's children, dweller of the south island, I enjoy being called Fi, thanks. Spelling needs work. Yep. Nice.

